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July 2001: Management Technology Consulting, Inc. (MTC) was incorporated in Maryland as a government contracts management consulting business. Initial contracts won within the first year of operations included Battelle, Department of the Navy, Office of the Secretary of Defence, Defense Logistics Agency and The Logistics Company.
January 2003: MTC bid and won a contract with the Vermont Emergency Management office of the Public Services Department, to analyze and design a statewide emergency public communications system.
Feburary 2003: MTC formed a team of 16 other companies and, as the Prime, bid on and won a $321 million, 5 year contract with the Department of Veteran Affairs for management of their Enhanced Use Lease program.
April 2003: MTC, as a member of a team of companies led by Grant Thornton, won a $60 million, 5 year contract with the US Navy for doing A-76 commercialization studies. MTC's role is to provide automated data collection, survey and analysis designs and services.
November 2004: MTC was sold to Shearer & Associates, Inc. of Huntsville, AL. Shortly after the sale, MTC was awarded a $252 million contract with the VA as a result of a bid submitted in Oct. 2004.
December 2005: Business Decision Management, Inc. was incorporated in Vermont and began supporting MTC as well as other clients with an emphasis on decision support and government business development.
November 2005: BDM, Inc. moved its business operations from Maryland to Vermont and has established a new business office in an 1897 barn which is currently under renovation. When completed, we will have our own classroom and lecture hall just outside of the capital city of Vermont, Montpelier.
October 2007: BDM, Inc., as a member of a team of companies led by Battelle, won a $500 million, 10 year contract with the National Institute of Health (NIH) for doing medical R&D. BDM's role will be to support contract management and automated contract administration.